All my skills are focused on improving people development and helping professionals to grow and be happier. Positive emotional experiences fuel work engagement. I really believe that little things make big things happen. Empower our accountability and selfawarness give us the opportunity to have resilient and innovative teams in the Organizations.

My career began in Argentina, where I graduated as a Psychologist. I have continued my professional development in Human Resources as a Coach, Trainer and Gestalt therapist in Barcelona since 2007.

I currently work as a career advisor and talent development manager at Lee Hecht Harrison Spain, a company specialized in Work Force Transformation.

My passion is accompanying people and organizations in their change management.

I am specialist in Outplacement (Career Transition), Executive Coaching, Leadership and Change Management. I was certified as a psychologist-coach by the College of Psychologists of Catalonia.

Listening deeply with my heart, inspiring people and wake up their talent is my motivation every day.

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